Hate marketing? Here’s how to make it more fulfilling.

It's funny that I've made my career in digital marketing because sales has always felt kind of icky to me.

If you're like me — driven by a purpose deeper than profit — you might feel the same!

But we all need to make a living, and when you’re a small biz owner that responsibility falls solely on you… so you just gotta get it done.

Ultimately I enjoy marketing because I like connecting with people. It's what makes it fulfilling to me and it's actually one of the most effective marketing strategies, too!

Here are some tips to make marketing more fulfilling AND more effective.

Be authentic.

Few things are more exhausting than trying to be something you’re not. Resist the urge to emulate someone else’s digital presence and instead forge your own path, letting your brand strategy guide what that should look like.

The more you can show up in a way that feels authentic to you, the better it will feel and the more it will resonate with your target audience.

Prioritize connection.

At the end of the day all we really want is to connect with other humans. On social media that’s the name of the game — so make that the goal of your marketing!

Be friendly & conversational and aim to cultivate relationships. Authentic connections make for more valuable business relationships, AND it makes the marketing process much more rewarding for you!

Focus on your why.

Yes, you need to make money through sales. But that’s not WHY you’re doing this work!

Connect back to your mission, your driving purpose, and share that with your audience through your marketing. It will resonate better than sales messaging, and it will help remind you why you’re marketing your biz in the first place.

Add value.

People don’t like being sold to and will immediately tune out an ad poorly disguised as content.

So how do you get their attention? By providing them with something they find valuable, whether it’s entertaining, informative, or relatable.

Adding value for your audience not only grabs their attention, and also gets you out of the sales mindset and more towards relationship building.


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